



連續兩篇...其實本來應該放在一起, 因為是在聽這首歌時的感動.

這是Onething 2006的聚會, 由Misty Edwards帶領的, 記得第一次知道IHOP,

所看到的琴與爐禱告時段就是由她帶領的, 當時真的非常震撼, 不單是因為她的歌聲,

也因為整個敬拜的氣氛, 縱然在千里外的台灣, 電腦前的我都可以感受到.

在看到她的見證之後              (中文翻譯版)

更讓我欣賞和值得學習(哈哈...喜歡Merchant Band的不要揍我, 我也很喜歡啦!)


Always on His mind 

Lord, I will seek You
On my bed, think upon You
In the day, I'll dream of You
You're always on my mind
With my whole heart I'll love You
With my mind and my strength too
Waste my life searching for You
You're always on my mind
Though I'm poor and needy, the Lord thinks upon me
Though His name is Holy, I'm always on His mind - I'm always on His mind
Though I'm weak and lowly, the Lord thinks about me
Though He's high and lofty, I'm always on His mind - I'm always on His mind
I'm in love with god
God's in love with me
Hey - Yeah (repeat)
How far will You let me go? How abandoned will You let me be? (repeat)

Hey-yeah, hey-yeah - hey-yeah, hey-yeah, hey-yeah, hey-yeah, hey-yeah, hey-yeah


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