電影斷背山有一句台詞: " I wish I know how to quit you ?"
被評為愛情電影史上的經典台詞, 之所以如此被讚揚, 或許無論對哪種戀人,
他說出了許多人說不出來的心聲, 又或著他描繪出一個許多人嚮往卻從沒有體會過的愛情.
前幾天, 無意間聽到了一首歌, 讓我想起這句台詞, 不是人的愛,
而是王之愛, 王不是世紀婚禮的查爾斯王子與黛安娜王妃, 也不是前幾天風光成婚的威廉王子和凱蒂,
是尊貴君王永恆的婚約, 如此甜蜜, 如同夢幻般的美好臨到, 卻又如此真實
而這樣的愛使一切都改變, 永遠不再一樣. 當經歷這樣的愛, 無法再忘記這樣的體會
One Night With The King
Performed by- Juanita Bynum
One night with the king,
Changes everything.
One day in his courts,
Did forever, change my course.
One moment, in his presence,
And I've never been the same.
One night with the king changes everything.
One night with the king,
Changes everything.
One day in his courts,
Could forever, change your course.
One moment, in his presence,
And you'd never been the same.
One night with the king changes everything.
This is my testimony.
From the desert, to the king;
It had been my destiny,
To be chosen, for such a time as this.
I didn't know that all my dreams,
Could become realities,
Then I saw his face
And his love captured me, yeah.
One night with the king,
It changes everything.
One day in his courts,
It will forever change your course.
(O yeah maybe some night it's)
Just one moment, in his presence;
Just one moment, in his presence;
Hooo one moment, in his presence;
And you'll never been the same.
One night with the king it changes;
One day in his his courts it changes;
One night with the king it changes,
O yes it does, everything.
I know that it;
I know that, it changes;
It changes everything Yeah yes it does.